Tribute by

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Children of God”, and

“Efee noko”, were your favorite sayings.

Mama or Maa was what we, your beloved children called you. Mama was loving, patient, kind-hearted, hardworking, industrious, generous, and an amazing mother. These are but a few of her standout qualities.

As the matriarch of the family, she delighted and religiously executed her role as a mother. Mama nurtured us, mentored us, counseled us, encouraged us and more importantly, planted in our hearts the love of God. She was extremely hard-working. We mean exceptionally hardworking. As industrious as Maa was, her day started by 4:00am at the latest with either baking meat pies, rock buns, or frying coated peanuts or chips for distribution to her numerous retailers at the various halls of residence on campus for sale. This, she did for over three decades to augment the household finances as a supportive wife to her husband. She still made it to school very early amidst all odds and busy schedules. When lessons ended, she immediately resumed business, as this became her routine for 90% of her time as our mother. Mama was our first and best teacher, despite her full engagement of the day, she made it a point to help us with our homework. Our mother delighted in our successes and encouraged us to always do better where we fell short.

Mama had a good heart and was sensitive to the needs of others. Being a charitable one, Mama kept an open house. She welcomed multitudes of people into her home, making our family a very big one. Maa, you did not discriminate against anyone. Indeed, you were generosity personified. Mama, your demise has robbed the villages of Kwapro and Akortokyir of a mother, teacher, counsellor, friend and a benefactor.  Your doors were always open to the entire community.

Maa, you loved us deeply and ensured that we were comfortable even in your absence especially when you joined daddy in the UK. You checked up on us daily. Your overly caring nature made you pray and fast for your family every Tuesday throughout your life as a mother and wife to seek God’s protection and providence. Even on your sick bed, Mama, did not stop this godly ritual. With your absence now, Maa, who is going to be our devoted and providential intercessor and counsellor? Who is going to offer those motherly prayers for us? Oh, we will miss you dearly, Mama.

You lived peaceably with all, you would always say “efee noko” to mean “let it go” and your favorite and regular biblical quotation was from Matthew 5:9: “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the Children of God”.

Though Maa was calm and peaceful by nature, she was a great disciplinarian who never reneged on taking action whenever she was confronted with disciplinary issues which she did with genuine care and love.

As a staunch Christian, you imbibed the principles of the Holy Book, served your maker well, and taught us to do same. You loved God and God knows that you loved Him. You spent most of your days praying and meditating on God’s word.

Mama ended every telephone conversation with the words “God bless you or stay blessed” To our mother, nothing else was important as a relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and was insistent that our lives ought to reflect Christ’s nature. She had no apologies for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are privileged to have you as our mother, Mama, because we appreciate the good qualities and virtues you instilled in us.

We thank God for your exemplary life.

We thank God for having you as our mother and best friend;

Thank you for your prayers;

Thank you for humour;

Thank you for your teachings;

Maa, you fought hard for your life, held on to it, till your strength was gone, where you gave your hand to your maker without bidding us farewell.

Maa, you will forever be in our hearts. Till we meet again at Jesus’ feet. Fare thee well.

Forever your Children.

Baah, Kwesi, Amanortey, Laako, Tetteh-Baah and Laakwor.

Mama Yaawo Ojogbann