Tribute by
The Church in Cape Coast

For the Lord himself will come down from Heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever (1 Thess. 4:16-18).

Drawing inspiration from the Holy Scriptures it could safely be said that it is right and appropriate for us to weep and mourn.  The wailings may be bitter and loud, the cries may be hysterical because Mrs. Christiana Akwesi, who was committed and dedicated to the service of God, a sister who served in THE CHURCH with whole-hearted devotion and also received the saints of God with open-arms and infectious smiles, is no more with us.  Nevertheless, it would not be right and appropriate to despair as those who do not have hope because our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has transformed our hopeless grief into a hope-filled grief by assuring us undoubtedly that we will see our loved ones again. Sis Christie, as she was fondly called, joined the Church in Cape Coast in 1987. She took a stand, she had touched the plough and never looked back (Luke 9:62).

She was counted among the number who were very zealous, dependable and prayerful. She exercised a humble spirit towards both old and young. She loved the Church so much that she often invited her husband who was a staunch Presbyterian to the church meetings. She also introduced her younger brother to the Church, who is now a blessing to the Church in Cape Coast.

Sis. Christie, the Heavens would remember your Good Works which will follow you right to the throne. In her lifetime, when it came to Praises and Worship, our sister was deeply involved. Even when the frailty of humankind had a toll on her, affecting her mobility, she was never ever glued to her seat, she danced around as much as she could to the Glory of God. She supported the growth of the Sisters’ Meeting and was very resourceful in the practical fellowship of the sisters.

We will remember our sister for the special metallic chair she made for herself, not because she wanted to stand out or for luxury but a solid chair that would support her big frame and ensure her safety at meetings. Indeed, we have lost a dear sister but we will not despair because of our hope of the Resurrection.

For a number of years before her demise, our sister’s restricted mobility made it difficult for her to attend our church meetings which was a bit far for her; but for her unrelenting desire for fellowship, she restricted her service to the University Interdenominational Church, UCC. However, we paid her regular visits at home.

We know for a fact that, Sis Christie’s body of humiliation will soon be lowered into the dark recesses of Mother Earth as decreed by God but one day when the last trumpet sounds, this body of humiliation will be re-animated and will sit with the glorified in the Kingdom, to part no more.

REST ON, Dear Sister. The Labourer’s task is over, and the battle day is past. The Church with one accord says Auntie Christie, Fare THEE WELL. We shall meet again.
