Tribute by
The Dadsons

The Akwesis were our close neighbours on UCC campus for many years, and so obviously we freely and easily visited each other’s homes just to chat or to pick up or deliver one item or the other.

Like our family, the Akwesi household was a busy one – led from one end by the imposing matriarch Mrs. Christiana Akwesi.  Obviously, the late Dr. Akwesi, her husband, fancied himself the head of the household, but the towering Mrs. Akwesi was clearly not the Veep – she was more of a Prime Minister!  A very busy woman with a commanding voice – “Amanorteyyyy!!” She would bellow out to her mischievous son, Christopher, who bare-chested, would be seen dashing out the back door away from the voice rather than towards it – a discarded car tyre in hand wheeling it down the dirt road like the boys used to do in those days!

We developed strong bonds with the Akwesi children – Amanortey, Laako, Kofi, Laakwor and even other relatives like Bro. Laryea (now Prof. Okorley), friendships that have lasted through the changing scenes of life!

Mrs. Christiana Akwesi was a tough, hardworking lady engaged in many useful economic activities. Apart from being a trained teacher working at the campus primary school, she had a side Ga kenkey business, kept a well-tended garden and conducted a myriad of agricultural businesses right from her backyard!  Her sons and daughters were actively engaged in helping with the home businesses.

Since we left campus several years ago, we have been in touch, checking on each other from time to time.  Amanortey, now popularly known as Lawyer Chris has been a brother and true friend and he has kept us abreast with all the happenings in the family.

On the very last day of January this year, while mourning with our cousins at our uncle’s funeral, we heard the sad news of Mrs. Akwesi’s demise, “what happened?” We asked in disbelief “nothing much, she was at home and …”. As always, we know but we ask – that is the way of the world – we all will go down that long and lonely road – she has only taken the lead.

Rest in Peace, Mrs. Akwesi – lover of kids, feeder of multitudes, hardworking and resourceful mother of all!

Nyame nfa wo nsie!