Tribute by
University Junior High School, Cape Coast

“Fight the good fight with all thy might;
Christ is thy Strength, and Christ thy Right;
Lay hold on in Life, and it shall be thy joy and crown eternally.”
MHB 490

Mrs. Akwesi, as we all called her, was not just a colleague teacher, but a mother, a friend, a mentor and a counsellor to many. Given that she was much older and more experienced than all of us, we always looked up to her for words of wisdom and encouragement anytime any of us needed it. She boasted of an affable personality and was very sociable. There was never a dull moment in the staff common room when she was in school. She would sing and tell us stories that teach us about the teaching profession and the twists and turns of life.

Love, patience, endurance, integrity, hard work, professionalism and uprightness were her treasured values in life. She would always respond, ‘me dɔ’ to everyone’s call and had a listening ear for those who had something to tell her. Indeed, she had a good and listening heart to deal with all situations. When you are hungry and you see her, you will be filled. Mrs. Akwesi would always celebrate her birthdays with colleagues she shared the same birth month by organizing special ‘Ga kenkey’ parties which drew a lot of seats.

As a professional teacher with so many years of experience, she was ready to exhibit the true values of a professional teacher. She upheld the ethics of her profession; she was regular and punctual in class, delivered her lessons as best as she could and ensured that her students equally exhibited the values, she taught them in Religious and Moral Education. She was so quick to correct her students and they were ever ready to be in her class.

Her sense of responsibility and versatility were not in doubt. She readily accepted the challenge to teach English Language when she was assigned at a time there was a vacancy in that department. This singular act of professionalism endeared her not only to the school management but also to her colleagues and students.

Mrs. Akwesi had absolute faith in God and readily acknowledged God’s role in her professional career. She never stopped praising Him even in times of adversity, especially when confronted with some challenges in her professional career. She believed God would always appreciate her efforts if humans fail to recognize them. She complained little and remained focused on her duties and responsibilities as a professional teacher.

We have learnt so much from her during our stay together. Even as you depart from this sinful earth, your values and memories will forever remain in our hearts. We stand here today to bid you farewell, trusting that you have indeed paid your due in life. May the Good Lord grant you eternal rest.

Me dɔ, fare thee well.
Me dɔ, faint not nor fear,
Me dɔ, God has already wrapped His strong arms around you,
Me dɔ, only believe that Christ is all in all to thee. Amen!